Despite how blasphemous this may sound, I don't think time has been so kind to the first Metroid or Mega Man. MM is brutally hard, and takes a lot of patience and practice if you want to get through it. Have you tried MM 2? It's much easier.
Retro Weekend Bombs, Diablo 3 Takes Over (BaDay 16)
On 02/16/2015 at 12:30 AM by KnightDriver See More From This User » |
Linked to Article Series: Blog a Day (BaD) 2015
Retro weekend lasted about an hour. I tried to play Metroid, and I tried to play Mega Man. I downloaded them on my Wii from Virtual Console, used my classic controler, and just couldn't handle those crazy platform jumps - drove me absolutely nuts. I didn't even got past the very first screen in Mega Man. But, you know, I'm glad I got these games and experienced them, even if it was for only one screen. I loved the presentation of both and even admired the controls, which were obviously carefully worked out. These types of games are just not cup of tea, sad to say.
So it was back to Diablo III. Take a gander at my Demon Hunter as he nears level 30 on Hardcore Mode.
I love that longbow. It's just how I want to play in this game.
My friend Mark, during the week, leveled up a Demon Hunter to my level so we'd be the same when we started. It was fine for a while but he got killed (in Hardcore Mode it's one life with no respawns). Then he brought in his Barbarian who was one level ahead of me, and we played that way the rest of the night. I managed to catch up to him in level and then surpass him. I ended up a full level ahead when we stopped. Why this happened, I'm not sure. I think the game tries to bring different level characters closer to each other by giving greater XP to the lowest level character, but that wouldn't explain my continuing to gain XP faster even after we were the same level. I must be doing something right. We compared stats at one point and I had twice the damage level he had, half the defense, and twice the health. I was surprised.
Well, I think Hardcore Mode has really helped me focus on a few things in the game like the blacksmith and jewler and getting the most out of both of them to inch my gear up to higher and higher quality. I also switched skills everytime a new one opened up which probably helped my ability to dish out better damage. The Demon Hunter has some cool skills that augment his ranged attacks and provide some defensive manuevers to keep you from being surrounded. I used all of them in order to keep my distance and rain down destruction as constantly as possible. By the time I was level 28, I was pretty confidently handling everything.
Tomorrow it's more of the same. I'm going to get to level 30 and the achievement and then wonder at how I am going to get to 5 million in gold.Very likely I'll just start new characters and level them up, but I'm thinking about gold farming strategies as well.
Good algorithms pixlbits!