Yeah, I want to go to the store and start picking up gaming magazines again. Even when I wasn't buying many games, EGM was just fun to have and read.
Miis n' Games (BaDay 28)
On 02/28/2015 at 02:34 AM by KnightDriver See More From This User » |
Linked to Article Series: Blog a Day (BaD) 2015
I looked at my 3DS tonight (it's actually early Saturday morning) and saw the addition of 2 more Miis to make 4 total so far this week. I'm a little disappointed because I went to Barnes & Noble, a Nintendo Hot Spot, and only got one Mii from there. I didn't go there just for Miis though, I went there to buy Retro Gaming Magazine.
But, I didn't buy it. Earlier in the day I had skimmed through an issue of Electronic Games over at and got really excited about getting into magazines again. But, in thinking about it some more, I decided not to. Maybe because I have enough to read already, but also because I still want to finish these Dragon Magazines I got a few months ago and continue writing my Year of the Dragon piece. I feel like I should switch to a gaming mag and maybe I will, when I find some physical copies somewhere.
And to add to the awesomeness of my favorite coffee shop, The Gryphon Cafe, today I saw some people playing a German strategy board game about space. It's a Kosmos published game, but I can't remember the German title and I couldn't find it searching the web. It looked really cool though.
So it looks like this is it for BaD. I enjoyed it and I still have to catch up. I'm a few days behind on comments and all your blogs. I'll probably catch up by Sunday.
Happy algorithms pixlbits!