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Doing Everything But Actually Playing The Damn Games

On 03/04/2015 at 02:44 PM by Machocruz

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During my free time over the last 5 days I've watched a guy play Resident Evil: Revelations 2 on Twitch. I read an article about the design of Doom. I looked at spell lists and videos for a Skyrim build I'm planning on playing. I watched the Angry Video Game Nerd play some Super Ghouls and Ghosts. I watched a discussion on a piece of 3D concept art for the upcoming Unreal Tournament game. I looked up armor and skill information for Monster Hunter Freedom Unite. I chatted about Metal Gear Solid V in a forum. Watched an Arkham Knight gameplay demo. Contemplated whether I should buy Darkest Dungeon, RE REv 2, or Wolfenstein: New Order. Wrote a list of older games I want to complete this year. Amidst all of this game related activity, the one thing I didn't do was play games for more than 1 hour.  This is a problem. A first world problem.

I don't have a backlog as most people define the term, but I do have an itinerary of older games I want to get into or replay, and some upcoming ones I have my eye on. The itinerary and the new games combined do not comprise a large number of games, relatively speaking. But the thing is, the games that are on there are long as hell. I think the shortest one is Super Mario World.  I have Monster Hunter Freedom Unite on there.  Persona 4. Saint's Row 3. Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne. System Shock. Three Elder Scrolls games (which I just dabble in every now and then, but still).  Super Metroid.  A couple of Rogue-likes, which could either be very short or very long. These are games I definitely want to make headway on, to at least the 75% duration mark.

Basically, I'm bad at managing time and addicted to information. I always feel like I'm running out of the former (and we all are) and there is far too much of the latter. I also have a nagging fear that something is going to happen in the future and I won't be able to get around to something, so I tend to be all over the place, never sticking with one game long enough to make the progress I want to make. My perception of time is all messed up.

But also, sometimes it's just more fun to watch someone else play a game. The games always look better when someone else plays them, because you don't have to focus on a task and can enjoy the bigger picture. Raid mode in Revelations, tumbling through Super Mario World levels, or adventuring in Skyrim always looks better when someone else is doing it. It's like "how come the action and/or visuals don't seem to look this good when I play?" I'm playing the same damn games at the same settings, but they look better from a remove, because I'm not focused on that one enemy or a point on the screen. I'm seeing the big picture when I watch someone else play, all the work that went into animation, color, lighting, level design; I'm seeing the play style of the person and how they solve problems, and it looks cool when it comes together with the animation and other audio-visual stimuli. Maybe the solution is to record footage as I play and watch it later to enjoy the aesthetics and action. That's a lot of hard drive space though.

I realize I'm prioritizing the wrong things. If I really want to make headway on the games I want to make headway on, I need to buckle down and choose to do so over passively consuming news, information, and other people's fun. More hours aren't going to be magically added to the days and weeks for me.  And this year has a number of promising, new games I have a desire to invest in.



Matt Snee Staff Writer

03/04/2015 at 02:58 PM

yeah i spend a lot of time reading about games sometimes, but I don't have much interest in watching other people play them, I guess.  unless they're in my living room.  

but, the way i see it, whether you're playing games or reading about them, you're still enjoying your hobby. I wish i was more dilligent about finishing games I have, but I figure as long as I'm enjoying shit, it's not so bad.  


03/04/2015 at 03:18 PM

I don't really set out to watch other people play for entertainment, except for the guy who I follow on Twitch who is a Resident Evil master. I play all those games anyway, so watching them is more nostalgia/remeberance than anything.

But mostly it comes from looking up information or previewing the content of games.  The reading takes up more time than the watching though. Somethign about reading text on the internet is time consuming. This is why I still buy books. I want to learn 3D modeling, but I'm dreading it because I'm having trouble finding up to date books on the subject, and really don't want to watch tutorials/read screen text.


03/04/2015 at 05:18 PM

I do the same thing. I have a horrendous backlog of long games that I want to finish. But I like firing up YouTube and listening to gaming tunes I loved. Also been playing 8-bit Atari and MAME games on emulator.


03/04/2015 at 09:10 PM

Jeez, MAME would add just another obstacle in my path. I used to have a folder fool of the best shmups. Only got around to playing a couple of them.


03/05/2015 at 12:05 PM

My favorite MAME games are all the old Nintendo and Konami arcade games, especially since Nintendo keeps giving us the NES versions of their games (always gimped in some manner) rather than the originals.

Cary Woodham

03/04/2015 at 06:36 PM

I can understand what you mean.  I like writing about games just as much as playing them.


03/04/2015 at 09:11 PM

You still play more than me. Maybe I just need to accept that's who I am and what I'm into.

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/04/2015 at 11:50 PM

I did a hell of a lot more reading about games back when it was $5 to rent and $50-$60 to buy, period. EGM was like my placebo drug. I used it to feel in the gaming loop and get hyped for games I would never actually play.

Now, with Steam and PS+, I have way more games to play because I buy them cheap, but like you, I often find myself watching YouTube videos instead. I know what you mean about the perspective change letting you take everything in. Sometimes that leads me to wonder how the hell the people I'm watching aren't seeing something I'm seeing though. lol


03/05/2015 at 02:48 AM

Drives me nuts when I'm watching someone play and they don't see a passage way or item that is close to them.


03/05/2015 at 01:59 AM

I'm trying to get to my handheld games during the week, but I always run out of time after doing stuff on my PC at night. 


03/05/2015 at 02:52 AM

Oh god owning a handheld on top of everything else would be the end of me. Last handheld game I played was Castlevania: Order or Ecclesia. In a way, it's fortunate that Igavanias seem to be a thing of the past. On the other hand, no more Igavanias :(


03/05/2015 at 10:46 PM

I began the 20thC wanting to own all the gaming devices. Now I don't know. Maybe it's really a curse to have access to so many games.

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