Hi! Thank you everyone whose read any of the entries so far. I'm having a lot of fun writing them...until I start putting them online and finding out how much of a pain it is put all of the pictures when posting. Anyway, I know a lot people have been waiting for the Darkstalkers 3 entry, including myself because its my favorite game. So, because I want to make this entry the best so far, I'm pushing back publishing it till monday so I can make it the best I want it to be. Sorry about that. My weeks kind of been a bit wacky and I didn't do myself any favors by making my first blog longer than I wanted to. So the I sechdeule I had originally stated is all out of wack. So this is what I'm hoping next week will look like
Hi, everyone. I hope you are better than me right now because I'm so sore and tired from work its not even funny. Well, I guess someone is laughing because I get this way all of the time. But enough emo, Live Journal, real life drama. I suppose I should talk about some games. Especially since that I did announce something a few week ago.
Hello, just writing a quick a blog to see how's everyone was doing. I'm trying to write more often to keep me..well writing often. By the way, thank you everyone for you advice on the last blog. Unfortunately, I haven't gotten to write much as a I wanted too. I had a super busy work week and it took more time than I had planned. So I'm going to start my Darkstalkers Retrospective thingy next week. I wanted to start this week but I really feel what I would write would be rushed. I don't care that Resurrection will be out, I just want to write this.
So today I'm come bearing questions today. You see, before 1UP was going to close, I was in the planing stages of writing a blog series over one of my favorite fighting game series Darkstalkers. It was to coincide with the re-release of Darkstalkers 2 and 3 in Darkstalkers Resurection coming out on March 12. So with 1UP slowly closing now, I figured I would put on here starting next week but before I do that I do have some questions I wanted to ask the staff here on PixlBit so that I know what's what around here.
First, PixlBit doesn't have a policy concerning blog series do it? That sounds a bit silly to ask but I just wanted to make sure I wasn't going around some rule that was made about things like this?
Secondly, I know Jessie has done an MIA on Darkstalkers before so is it OK that I'm doing one as well?
Also, I plan to post some images from Darkstalkers series, some of which can me a bit...different to put it nicely. So, does PixlBit have a policy towards NSFW images or a way to hide them? I doubt what I'll use will really be offensive but I'm sure it will differentiate for different people, especially when I get to Darkstalkers 3.
The last thing I have isn't really a question as more asking for advice. For anyone who has done a blog series before how do you stay focus and just keep writing. I'm kind of having trouble just sitting down a focusing on writing right now. I have all my information I need, but I every time I try to write I either forget or get to nervous and don't.
I hope this all of this made sense. Please feel free to ask any questions if you have them and thanks for reading.
First, WOW this is a pretty nice blog suite. Secondly, hello! I'm Corey, AKA ThatCoreyIsSpy! from 1UP, AKA Vice's Assistant from 1UP AKA the guy blogs a lot about fighting games. Unsurprisingly, I expect to do a lot of that here on PB. I just want to say hello and more stuff is coming soon. Later!