On 12/22/2014 at 06:59 PM,
Vice's Assistant
Hi there folks. I know its been awhile but before I say hello, I though I would alert you all about some few unfortunate digital game delistings happening soon. The first is Marvel Vs. Capcom Origins, the digital combo pack of Capcom's Marvel Super Heroes and Marvel Vs. Capcom. Yes, regretablity MVCO is following Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 and Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 and is being pulled from both Xbox 360 and PS3. You have until tomarrow to get the game on PS3 and till the 31st on 360. Origins is a really great game, not the best work done by Iron Galaxy and their Capcom fighter ports, but still really awesome, and with stellar netcode to boot. No clearence sales for the games though but if you have any feint hunger for old Capcom fighters, I'd suggest you pick it up now. Its $15.