On 10/24/2014 at 10:16 AM,
Sorry I haven’t written anything new for a while, getting use to a new job schedule for when I need to wake up and do when I get home. I am hoping by the end of the month my body gets use to the change. I use to go from waking up at around 7am working till 4:30 or later depending, in PJs all day and staying at home. It was pretty awesome but the job ehhh. So new job I wake up at 5:30am get dressed, I do all my prep work the night before (get my lunch ready, clothes for the next day out) drive a little over an hour due to traffic and then get in office around 8:15 – 8:20am to leave around 4:30 and then get home around 6pm because traffic is a very unpredictable thing. Eat dinner and be ready to pass out already where my brain is pretty much shut off. Also I have been reading, watching training videos all day and writing a bunch of notes, my thought of blogging…ehhh it can wait. Thankfully though it has gotten better the second week so by next week I should be feeling better about this new routine.