On 11/06/2017 at 12:25 AM,
Cary Woodham
Last year, Nintendo released the NES Classic Edition, a smaller sized 8-bit NES shaped console with 30 classic games. It’s been notoriously hard to find, and I’ve been a bit bummed that I haven’t been able to get one. But I wasn’t TOO upset because most of the games I played on the NES were from Capcom, not Nintendo (Mega Man and Disney games). But the 16-bit Super Nintendo is my all-time favorite console ever. It was the gaming console that really cemented my preference for console games, and the system just clicked for me for some reason. So when Nintendo released the SNES Classic Edition in the same vein this year, I REALLY wanted to get it. Luckily, my family got it for me for my birthday! Nintendo DID say they were making more of the SNES Classic Edition, and I don’t know if that’s really true or not, or if we were just more prepared this time. But not only was I able to get one, but three of my brothers got one, too! So to celebrate me getting a SNES Classic Edition, here’s a blog about all the games on it!