Nintendo doesn't need any friends! Nintendo will crush all under it's iron boot!
Nintendo doesn't need any friends! Nintendo will crush all under it's iron boot!
I really need to play Dishonored.
Funky Barn is the Funky King of the Miiverse. Take that, William Dafoe!
The jewel of the Wii U launch, and a refreshing game in the sea of sequels that was 2012. Who would of thought that three of the most lauded games of the year would be zombie games? Zombi U, Day Z, and the Walking Dead.
I interested in these Doom 3 VR goggles that Carmack is working on. Too expensive for me to buy, though.
Moleyneux needs to go and make something for the Wii-U to make this rotation complete!
Milo was drug out back and snuffed with extreme prejudice.
That robot needed to be destroyed for the good of humanity.
Look at him wearing a hoody in 1777 like he's an emo. I bet he listens to Linkin Park.
Atlus is so over! They sold out and went mainstream!