This one takes 4 D batteries. My Bentley Compuvison takes 4 AA batteries.
Hey, you need to see if you can find it and fire it up.
This one takes 4 D batteries. My Bentley Compuvison takes 4 AA batteries.
Hey, you need to see if you can find it and fire it up.
I’ve been playin Pong and Minish cap on my GBASP.
I really want a PS4 but I have a couple of other things I want and saving for.
Yeah, like I told Matt, I’m glad I looked up. I played it a little bit today and it plays perfect! I’m looking for a C-100 now. I love these Pong machines! I have two now.
I fired it up tonight and it plays perfect!
I’m looking at getting more in the future. I just stumbled onto this one. At first I thought it was a Telegames one until he took it down and I saw Atari.
CIB sealed should bring a bit more. Finding a buyer will be the thing. If you do decide to sale I wish the best for you.
Dude, I’m glad I looked up. I never expected him to just give it to me. I guess he knew it would be well cared for.
Who is the dude with the Afro and how can I play as him?
True dat!