Dissidia FF games are the only FF game I will play. The others are complete shit.
Dissidia FF games are the only FF game I will play. The others are complete shit.
I figured they would be soon, because they did Oddworld Strangers Wrath HD for the Vita Last month. I loved that game when it came out on the Xbox. I downloaded it and beat it again, just for old-time memories.
Oh sorry, DuckTales and Mickey. I have The Cave from when it was free a few months ago. I also have Fatal Frame on the Xbox. The others I either have as ROMS or the original version.
I am waiting for a couple of these to be free on PS+.
No I do not love you, I FUCKING LOVE YOU BLAKE! I will check it out today.
I need to pick up a link between, but since I am get a Ouya for Christmas I really have not thought of much else, other than WD for the Vita.
that was G, I have the whole series on dvd though.
It does.