Agreed, where's my new Castlevania?
Agreed, where's my new Castlevania?
Do want, please make.
I'm sure people will be creating some amazing content for this, but like LittleBigPlanet, I'm assuming the actual engine driving the whole experience won't be all that great.
I can't comment much on the quality of Bioware's titles as a result of listening to fans, but I have a big problem with them caving on this one. They made a choice of how they wanted to end their trilogy. If the vocal minority doesn't like it or it gives them pause, that's not a valid reason for Bioware to change their work of art.
This is a slippery slope. Sometimes you just have to say no and let it be what it's going to be.
I'd have to boot Adventure Island back up to give you a definitive answer, but from your description it sounds pretty similar. However, the one big difference is that killing enemies restores time, but there are pick ups that will restore some as well. Also, this is a literal timer counting down to zero, rather than a bar or a meter.
The other part that I didn't get too far into here is that the level segments are broken up pretty nicely and each time you get past a tough segment it'll award you points for leftover time and reset it to a fresh number to start counting down.
Awesome, glad to hear you're digging the improvements! If you do happen to run into any issues with it, please let me know. I'm sure there's some sort of flaw in there!
This one of those things that got backburnered for so long that I just kind of pretended it wasn't an issue. Then as I was spec-ing out a private message system, I needed some way for users to be able to select who they want to message without going to a user profile; auto-complete seemed like the best solution. After that I went and sought out a nice auto-complete jQuery module and sure enough, it was built into the framework already.
From there, I tried it out on some of our internal tools, found that it worked well and resurrected my old search project to much greater success than I had imagined.
The old search was just, like you said, crappy. It was very picky (and the current one kind of is too, it's just less noticeable) making it very hard to find what you're looking for. The instant feedback and new prioritization of results makes it much simpler to find exactly what you need.
Turok, yuck. Really dislike that series. Always wanted to like it, but GoldenEye and Perfect Dark were always so much better, it was near impossible to build any degree of appreciation for it back in the N64 days.
Haha. I'm looking forward to the Vita release. It'll be the best place for me to play it anyway.
True, but it was a much different time. Games sold on tech back then - that's not true these days. If they wanted to release in this fashion, the core game should've been free and people could augment their experience how they saw fit with DLC (aka, free-to-play model).
I agree with Michael117. Fatal Frame is far more terrifying than Silent Hill. It's not even that it's ghosts vs. monsters, Fatal Frame is just amazingly good at catching you off guard. I'm not one that's scared by much, but my first time with Fatal Frame 1 really threw me for a loop because it caught me so many times.
In that game, you're already in this creepy abandoned building in the middle of the woods and just when everything seems normal, you'll come back down a hallway you've been down before and all of a sudden you'll see a ghost girl hanging from the rafters on a noose. It's nuts and also unscripted, so you have no idea it's coming. As you progress through the game (which is loosely based on a true story) you'll read about all this messed up stuff that happened there and it really brings the whole experience to life.
Mechanically Fatal Frame 2 is a much better game, but I don't know that it's quite as scary as the first. The third sits somewhere between both, but I'll never forget the first - it's the only game to ever scare me.
I know people talk about how scary Amnesia is all the time, but I just found it really annoying and incredibly boring. You can barely see anything and you're constantly worrying about having enough oil to actually be able to see anything at all, it just gets really annoying. Since most of the time nothing is going on, it's always really obvious when a monster encounter is coming, which really destroys the effect.
Last thing - I see you have Parasite Eve on there. I never realized that was considered horror, but if you're creeped out by it to some degree, you should move it closer to the top, because I don't remember it having any random scares or anything like that.