I think this is an important episode for you guys. It's okay to love things! Let the sunshine in!
I think this is an important episode for you guys. It's okay to love things! Let the sunshine in!
Agreed. I still don't like it. I'd much rather they either use the engines and mechanics for a sequel or a sidestory. Or maybe use some cutting room floor stuff to make a new IP or spinoff.
Really getting tired of prequels...
That's really great to hear. I figured since he's getting up there in years he may not be interested in reprising his role as Raziel.
I just had to go with Kain. As much as I loved Eternal Darkness, I can't help but feel like a sequel just wouldn't hold up to the original and would end up being kind of hokey. Meanwhile, the Kain series has a rich mythology and some of the best writing and voice acting in the biz.
Or it did, anyway. If they ever do another I doubt Michael Bell or Simon Templeman will come back.
That Batman and Robin game was such a huge disappointment. They were trying to make what I still believe would be the ultimate Batman game: an open world action game that requires detective work to learn where you need to go and who you need to find. Too bad everything about it was garbage.
Thanks for the feedback, as well as the comments we put in the show! I didn't get a chance to say it in the show, but even though I was 13 when Power Rangers came on I was in awe of it. I came for the giant monsters and martial arts action. I stayed for Kimberly's ass.
This looks delightful. If I had a 3DS I could see myself falling into this for hours.
Both of those games are fantastic. Return of the Joker doesn't get enough praise.
Oooh, after finishing this BA for Enslaved Primal sounds great. I loved the voice acting by Hudson Leik, and the world building was great. Almost up there with Legacy of Kain's Nosgoth.