Very cool! I'm happy to hear that everything transferred and there doesn't seem to be any issues.
Very cool! I'm happy to hear that everything transferred and there doesn't seem to be any issues.
I like a top-heavy woman. LOL!
Excellent article! As much as I liked Metroid II on the Game Boy, I reeeally loved Super Metroid. I think that game got so much love from fans and non-fans at the time because the gameplay elements were simply perfect. And I think the map system went a long way to improve matters.
Sounds good, man. You can't rush a good blog series. Take your time and we'll see you back here on Monday.
Wishing you the best with Wordpress. I'm sure you'll work it out though. Let us know when you site is ready to go!
I'm pray'n for ya buddy. I'm sure you'll let us know if this worked or not. I sure hope it does.
Man, I could never get into strategy sims. They just seemed so boring to me, but I must admit that I also haven't given many of them a shot. No offense to the game though. There's plenty of folks like yourself that can strategize in your sleep. Me, on the other hand, not so much.
Oh, this is going to be fun. I'm looking forward to your thoughts on Final Fantasy. So far, I've only completed the first game in the series. I have FF7, but I haven't played it all the way through yet.
I clicked that "follow" button so I don't miss it.
I think I was slightly too young to remember the Pac-Man cereal, but I definitely remeber the Nintendo Cereal System with Super Mario Bros. and Legend of Zelda themed shapes. Weren't some of the "mushrooms" and "Octorocks" fruit-flavored or marshmallow? I can't remember.
I never had the pleasure of eating the cereal, but I've heard that it didn't taste that great. I wish I knew for myself.
I somehow missed the first two Darkstalkers games until Darkstalkers 3 on the Playatation.