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SanAndreas's Comments - Page 103

The Games of the Atari Flashback Classics vol. 3: Part 3: 2600 Games

Posted on 03/30/2019 at 06:10 PM | Filed Under Blogs

My friend that owned a 2600 when I was a kid had Astroblast. I remember thinking it was a weird shaped cartridge. I didn't know that Mattel ported Intellivision games to the 2600. Their games are apparently actual Intellivision cart cases with adapters welded to them to make them fit in a 2600. 

A lot of the more memorable 2600 games were third party. Stargate and Vanguard were a couple of my favorites. I got the SNK collection in large part to play Vanguard on my Switch. I wish WB would do a Midway collection for Switch or PS4.  I also liked this shooting game called Turmoil that was made by Twentieth Century Fox.

I really wish they'd make some kind of deal wuth Doug Neubauer for a certain game, though. Sigh.

A Bloody Game - Battle Chess

Posted on 03/30/2019 at 06:05 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I remember Battle Chess. Its animations were fun for a bit, but it wasn't quite as fun as Archon, which allowed you to have the pieces fight. Now I do appreciate real chess, having learned it at a young age. I'm no Garry Kasparov, though, and it's been a long time since I've played it. I haven't run across a lot of chess enthusiasts lately.

My favorite death animation was the rook eating the queen. I gues that probably came out wrong, LOL. And speaking of the queen... dat ass.

The Games of the Atari Flashback Classics vol. 3: Part 2: 5200 Games

Posted on 03/30/2019 at 06:00 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Especially now that they've seemingly resolved whatever dispute they had with Ikegami, and have Donkey Kong and Donkey Kong Jr on Switch, they should do it. I want to play Vs. Balloon Fight.

Since Iwata worked on the NES version of Millipede, I wonder if he worked on the NES version of Joust as well? That was made by HAL. And the first game he made was Balloon Fight, which is basically a Nintendo knockoff of Joust.

Xevious Review

Posted on 03/30/2019 at 05:58 PM | Filed Under Review

I didn't play Xevious until it came out on Namco Museum on PS1. I had heard of it though through ads for home versions of it on Atari computers. I wasn't too impressed with it when I did play it. I did recognize the little background ditty that it plays that was incorporated into one of the music tracks for Earthbound.

I played a very similar vertical scrolling game, Megazone from Konami. 

I'm Here to Kill Bugs, Sir! - Jet Force Gemini

Posted on 03/22/2019 at 06:08 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I feel the same way, although I still prefer Super Mario 64 over either DK64 or B-K. I also felt that Turok probably holds up better now than Goldeneye did, since the thing that made Goldeneye so popular, the split-screen multiplayer, isn't quite as special as it used to be.

The Games of the Atari Flashback Classics vol. 3: Part 2: 5200 Games

Posted on 03/22/2019 at 05:28 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I'd like to see Nintendo release an arcade collection, but the only collection I can really remember Nintendo releasing is Super Mario All-Stars, so that ain't gonna happen. And it won't have Popeye either. I don't know how the licensing to Popeye works, but I do know the IP is going to be public domain at some point in the near future.

Everything Old is New Again

Posted on 03/18/2019 at 01:16 AM | Filed Under Blogs

DMC 5 looks like a welcome return to form after DmC. Still waiting for Bayonetta 3 though.

Episode 148: Higher. Further. Faster.

Posted on 03/18/2019 at 01:05 AM | Filed Under Feature

Stage Select:

I would remake A Link to the Past, with a full 3-D engine on the level of Breath of the Wild or at least Twilight Princess rather than the 2 1/2-D look of A Link Between Worlds or the upcoming Link's Awakening Remake. That's what the prototype Zelda 64 was shaping up to be, anyway.

Video game cage match:

Mortal Kombat has blown Street Fighter away since Mortal Kombat 9, so MKXL wins this, easily, and I'm sure MK11 will be even further above SFV. Admittedly even back in the early days of both series I was a MKII player rather than a SFII player, but still, Capcom seriously needs to up its game with Street Fighter. Even King of Fighters is putting out a more consistently good product. Maybe now that they're roling in money from Monster Hunter World and Resident Evil they can make SF6 a game that can actually compete with MK11. They were a little cash-strapped when they were making SF5.s

Turok coming to Switch March 18

Posted on 03/18/2019 at 12:32 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I might actually get this game. I enjoyed the N64 game. I remember all the animated blood. Sometimes if you killed a human enemy with a knife they'd make horrible choking noises like you'd slashed their throats. That was gruesome for any video game in 1997, let alone one on Nintendo console back then.

Between this and Final Fantasy VII, it's gonna be a 90s party on the Switch.

The Games of the Atari Flashback Classics vol. 3: Part 2: 5200 Games

Posted on 03/18/2019 at 12:29 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I have the comprehensive all-in-one collection on Switch. I didn't have a 5200. What I had was a 130XE, which was a computer that used the same hardware as the 5200, only with far more RAM. It was like what the 5200 would have been if it had been well-designed. So I've actually played a couple of these games.

Final Legacy was all right, I played a few completed games of it back in the day.

I spent a lot of time with the 8-bit version of Millipede. I kinda want to track down the NES version sometime. Centipede and Millipede are my favorite games that Atari actually made, and I still play them a fair bit.

I had the 8-bit version of Star Raiders. I actually beat the game on the hardest level one time. It was a lot easier to play with a full keyboard. The 2600 version was just weird and I never could figure it out. I got my first-person space dogfighting fix on the 2600 with Activision's StarMaster. Fun fact: Star Raiders is older than either Pac-Man or Mario. Or Activision for that matter. It first came out in 1979.

Never was really big into Asteroids.

And still no Solaris, which was probably the best 2600 game ever except maybe Yars' Revenge.

I agree with you on one thing: The best 5200/8 bit Atari games were licensed arcade games. The Atari 8-bit was, IMO, the second best gaming machine of the 80s after the NES. The 5200 version of Donkey Kong was better than Nintendo's official NES version did, partly because it had the Cement Factory level and music that sounded more like the arcade. I guess that's a moot point now since you can get the actual arcade Donkey Kong on Switch as an Arcade Archives game. I also really enjoyed Pengo. I thought the 8-bit version of Dig-Dug was pretty bad, though.

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