Stage Select:
I would remake A Link to the Past, with a full 3-D engine on the level of Breath of the Wild or at least Twilight Princess rather than the 2 1/2-D look of A Link Between Worlds or the upcoming Link's Awakening Remake. That's what the prototype Zelda 64 was shaping up to be, anyway.
Video game cage match:
Mortal Kombat has blown Street Fighter away since Mortal Kombat 9, so MKXL wins this, easily, and I'm sure MK11 will be even further above SFV. Admittedly even back in the early days of both series I was a MKII player rather than a SFII player, but still, Capcom seriously needs to up its game with Street Fighter. Even King of Fighters is putting out a more consistently good product. Maybe now that they're roling in money from Monster Hunter World and Resident Evil they can make SF6 a game that can actually compete with MK11. They were a little cash-strapped when they were making SF5.s