I'd never heard of them before that. I liked them better than the Moody Blues, which was the main act.
I'd never heard of them before that. I liked them better than the Moody Blues, which was the main act.
Grave of the Fireflies is an excellent movie, but so, so incredibly sad. Just a warning. While I felt it was incredibly well done, it's one of the movies I have put in the category of "I can only watch this movie once".
I found all three of the first games on NES carts. My mom and my gramma give me Amazon gift cards for my birthday and Christmas (usually), and I bought II and III off Amazon for decent prices.
My friend Shawn is a security guard for the Portland (Maine) Museum of Art. I think he'd rather be a docent, but he needs the paycheck.
Because it's so damn addictive is why! Curse you for encouraging me to buy it!
I saw The Fixx when they opened for The Moody Blues many, many, many years ago. As for U2, I really haven't liked anything after their first three albums.
I read the Shannara books, but I honestly don't remember anything about them, so they must not have made a huge impression on me.
That docent thing sounds awesome.
I let my GameStop powerup rewards card lapse. I never buy anything from them, so it seemed like a waste of money. If someone wants my points, they're welcome to them.
Don't be dissing Merida. That's terrible artwork, though.