i enjoyed SR 3 for a bit, but eventually got tired of it before finishing. Same story with Dead Island.
i enjoyed SR 3 for a bit, but eventually got tired of it before finishing. Same story with Dead Island.
id be interested to hear it when you've completed it
my personal favorite song in a video game would have to be Callista by Saki Caska....commonly known as the song you hear when entering Club Afterlife in Mass Effect 2.
Everyone's is, big brother. Still though....I usually only pay $1.01 (the extra penny so I get the Steam keys) and get the minimum games but it's always a steal.
i know right? the only thing that 1Up had on PixlBit was the contests....I'm going to write Nick and see if he's willing to try out a series of contests.
i wish i could get my ol lady to play games with me. Last time we played video games together was either when the Wii first came out and we were bowling....or when she bought me SoulCalibur 4 and then beat me in front of my buddies
the DLC for Borderlands 2 sounds fun..makes me want to snap up the GOTY edition when I finish up FF X..
I had no idea Tiny Tina's DLC was like an RPG....that sounds effin' cool!!
accessing Netfix sans Gold? Too little too late for me.
After 3 separate Xbox 360 consoles with 3 separate issues, I have to sat that M-Soft and I parted ways bitterly.
Thats not to say that this isn't a value here. Its just not for me...when i finally am ready to get a new console (or consoles) it'll be a PS4 and a Wii U.
My ol lady STILL raves about how much fun we used to have playing bowling.
any time the P-Bit community is down for a playdate, I'm down as well...only thing is, I have no Wii...sucks for me
Tapping looks fun. I think DiMola's wife did a review recently on this one.