Well, now you know how I feel about JRPGs and RTS games, so there's that.
Well, now you know how I feel about JRPGs and RTS games, so there's that.
This might be the next challenge I discuss with my run club.
And how awesome you got to meet your hero and finish the race (PLUS not come in last)! Nice!
I loved it in Kiwami 2, but I'm noticing it's making me do the same thing you described while I play Judgment and I'm not sure I like it as much now. I like to have the substories jump out at me sometimes more organically, y'know? Maybe there's a way to shut it off.
Don't get me wrong, when I was playing Kiwami 2, I was 100% where you are now in terms of loving those markers.
I'm on to Judgment right now, but I really want to go back and finish all the side STORIES (not content, like I've mistakenly said in the past) in Kiwami 2, because they're SO good. I still feel Kiwami was lacking in the quality of substories compared to other games in the series, but that's to be expected when I play the perfected fifth entry (0) and then play a remake of the first attempt (Kiwami).
Still have not finished Detroit, but I want to.
Actually, thanks for the reminder to download whatever August's PS+ games are.
Is there a demo for Control? I wonder if that's on PlayStation right now.
Maybe that's the key: Just reading what you're interested in instead of what you "should" read.
Shit. I definitely haven't been on track to read 24 books like I wanted to. Now I'm depressed ... Not cause of that though, but personal life has been weird lately.
On another note, great to hear from you again!
I keep wanting a 3DS, but every time I see one in the wild, it's a bit too rich for my blood, cause I haven't done any handheld gaming in forever.
CoD: Black Ops III is arcadey? Hmm ... Need to play it again. Only rented it and barely played it when I did.
I am so igorant of all this.