I think that's pretty close. I'll look and see if they have a website/schedule.
thanks, Tami!
I think that's pretty close. I'll look and see if they have a website/schedule.
thanks, Tami!
yeah I would love an open world Dune game. that would be sick.
ha! Damn that Baron!
it's kind of a love it or hate it story. I recommend checking out the movie, because it's not a big commitment. I love the movie, but I love the series. It's worth watching, definitely.
are you playing the PsONE versions on PSP? They do have some weird things, I've noticed myself, and the load times suck as well. I think the GBA versions are the way to go.
I guess it depends on who you played with. I mostly played the campaigns with my brother. I never bothered much with the multiplayer.
2 was the highlight for me. I played Reach and ODST and 3... they just seemed so hollow. haven't touched 4.
you know, they are re-releasing the 1st Etrian game on 3DS with all sort of "story" content, to make a it a more "story driven" game. you can choose to use their characters or make your own.
I was pretty impressed by that telltale game. It would be nice to get an Elder Scrolls: Walking Dead type game, that's for sure. it could be an MMO too where you could be killed by other players for resources. If you haven't tried it, check out DayZ. Great game.
pile of shame is too weak a term for me. It's more like "ocean of shame".