Do you count audiobooks toward your read goal? I'm just curious cause I remember this being a big to-do with Patrick on Nerds Without Pants for some reason.
Do you count audiobooks toward your read goal? I'm just curious cause I remember this being a big to-do with Patrick on Nerds Without Pants for some reason.
There's a lot I don't know about SNK's history. Every time SNK is mentioned developing a non-fighting game, I think, "oh yeah."
There are some existential readings of Atari games I'd rather not think about.
There was one puzzle in particular in Judgment that bugged me cause you can't multiply by 0 and get a number other than 0. The solution ended up being dirt simple, but my brain could not get past that multiplying by 0 thing, when really it was a clue.
1. What DO Cool Spot's sunglasses do?
2. Are the Yakuza games ... partially funded by actual yakuza?
3. Were some EGM April Fool's pranks just things they saw in review copies that never made it into the final games (not an April Fool, but I still remember renting an NCAA game specifically to see some goal posts get torn down, only to have them say in the next month's issue this was something they took out of the final game).
My memory of Half-Life 2 is watching my friend play it on XBOX years after it came out and asking if I could try some magnet puzzle he was frustrated with.
My memory of Halo 2 is actually being competent at an FPS for once and hanging out with some new friends in high school playing it in glorious couch multiplayer.
I'll let you figure out which one I'd vote for.
I still want to play Inside, but after having no effing clue what Limbo was all about until I looked up a few fan theories (I mean, I get that it's probably, y'know ... Limbo, I just mean I wasn't fully sold on the context) I'm wondering how deeply it'll really affect me.
Looking up the meaning of a drama after the fact is kind of like having a joke explained to you. Seems obvious after the explanation, but the effect has worn off.
How much of Titanfall 2 did you play? Love that game.
Man, from the video clip it looks like this game has everything!
My thoughts about Dark Souls and From Software in general include: "Man, I should really keep playing Bloodborne, among other games I've barely started, like Witcher III and (more like halfway through in this case) Horizon: Zero Dawn."
This concludes my thoughts on Dark Souls.
My gaming habits have changed dramatically over the years.
Early childhood: Playing whatever my older brother had on NES and SNES and Blockbuster rentals were a big deal.
Junior high: Buying my own systems/games, renting at Blockbuster was a regular occurrence.
College: Nothing. Couldn't afford it.
Shortly after college, close to grad school: Laptop gaming
Now: Way too much disposable income for my own good. I don't want to discuss it.
Also, I think you were being sarcastic, but I genuinely like football. I'm a casual fan and probably wouldn't know who the DLC players are either ... or why there would be DLC PLAYERS, holy shit (unless they're OP fictional ones)?