It was an amazing game for its day, offering several characters to play as and the Chao mini game (which was neat), but yeah, it's so-so today.
It was an amazing game for its day, offering several characters to play as and the Chao mini game (which was neat), but yeah, it's so-so today.
A Big the Cat fan? Good for you! I'll be sure to check out your articles.
I really only enjoyed the Sonic levels, and Big was indeed a waste of time!
Yeah, there's a lot of freedom in Knuckle's levels since they're exploration-based. It was big for the time. Sonic in 3D PERIOD was a big deal.
I think you got a point there. Killing off Superman got a lot of attention.
That would be awesome if the right developer was behind it.
It's the most awesome Superman game you'll find.
No Zelda: Ocarina of Time? That was the big game of 1998. Lots of great games in that year.
The Lego games are great! Haven't played it, but I've heard that Lego Marvel Super Heroes is really fun. Gotta' love those adorable lego figures!
HA! That is a pretty good game, although brutally difficult.