i had no clue the value of collector's editions got that high!
i had no clue the value of collector's editions got that high!
i went the same way, though I didn't pick up any ps one classics. I need to though
My beef with Ground Zeroes and the future of the MG series is this: Kiefer Sutherland.
I've spent time with the game, and I'll agree that all of its mechanics and such are on point; it's what a Metal Gear game should be,for sure.
But Big Boss...the way he sounds now...I guess I'm just far too used to David Hayter's gravelly tones. He actually sounded like a smoker. Sutherland's voice is waaaay too melifluous to sound like a battle-hardened cigarette addicted commando.
Just my opinion. I dig your write up!
FF Tactics is ok. Kind of complex, just like Knight said.
Nice pickups.
from that sale, I picked up:
-Retro City Rampage
-Plants Vs. Zombies
-Tokyo Jungle
-Jurassic Park by TellTaleGames
-Monkey Island
all for less than 5 bucks. That's a fucking STEAL.
ive been eyeing BoF IV on the PSN for some time now, and I may pull the trigger soon.
I've noticed that the sprites in this series still look good years later, no doubt a product of the more cartoony and less pixelated look you mentioned in your blog.
I dig this write-up.
Ben, I fully signed the petition. That principal is a hardcore douchefuck, with a side of fries.
Not a die-hard ecco fan, but I do think he's the best of the ones up there