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Super Step's Comments - Page 117

The God Eater 3 demo was a waste of time.

Posted on 06/30/2019 at 07:36 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Just tell yourself you're a bipedal Dr. Suess fish. That'll help your budget. 

Handheld Massacres - Ninja Gaiden Dragon Sword for the DS

Posted on 06/30/2019 at 05:58 PM | Filed Under Blogs

"Ninja Gaiden. Now there's a game." - Cris Collinsworth

I think that bottom screen shot looks pretty darn good for DS. 

Practically Perfect - Ninja Gaiden for Original Xbox

Posted on 06/26/2019 at 12:54 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I can agree with the Souls comparison in that I remember this game being praised for its difficulty ... and just like the Sould series that immediately made me not care about it. Tongue Out

The Worlds of Kingdom Hearts 3

Posted on 06/24/2019 at 11:54 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I like the idea of those Classic World games. That's a cool idea for collectibles.

What I'm looking forward to: Summer 2019

Posted on 06/23/2019 at 11:08 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm actually most hyped for Link's Awakening and I've never played the original. I just want to know what all the fuss around the story is about.

Shenmue's Blues

Posted on 06/23/2019 at 11:04 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm reading the budget was initially thought to be $70 million, including some marketing and even some of that was used for Shenmue II, but Suzuki corrected the figure to $47 million ... which apparently was still as expensive as it got in '99?

Not sure I'll ever find a reliable source on this, since even gaming sales in in the 90s seem a bit fuzzy.

Sort of Okay - Ninja Gaiden for the Arcade

Posted on 06/22/2019 at 10:24 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Looks pretty darn good from my laptop playing a YouTube video of the captured arcade content. Gonna chock this one up to either iffy emulation or just difference in taste between you and I. 

Sort of Okay - Ninja Gaiden for the Arcade

Posted on 06/22/2019 at 05:33 PM | Filed Under Blogs

It looks pretty damn good to me, having just watched it on YouTube. Animations seem a bit slow, but otherwise I dig the sprites. I might think differently if the game were from the SNES era, but I get why you were so impressed in '88. In fact, it looks closer to a SNES than an NES game, so color me impressed with the visuals for that time.

Shenmue's Blues

Posted on 06/22/2019 at 11:26 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Interested choice of words, "economically," since I believe this was the most expensive game ever made at the time of its release. So I've heard, anyway.




But yeah, I was told by everyone to expect a museum piece that would set a foundation for Yakuza and that's what I feel I got, so overall I'm a Shenmue fan and plan to finish II and purchase III. 

Shenmue's Blues

Posted on 06/22/2019 at 11:24 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Need ... Shenmue? lol 

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