Just tell yourself you're a bipedal Dr. Suess fish. That'll help your budget.
Just tell yourself you're a bipedal Dr. Suess fish. That'll help your budget.
"Ninja Gaiden. Now there's a game." - Cris Collinsworth
I think that bottom screen shot looks pretty darn good for DS.
I can agree with the Souls comparison in that I remember this game being praised for its difficulty ... and just like the Sould series that immediately made me not care about it.
I like the idea of those Classic World games. That's a cool idea for collectibles.
I'm actually most hyped for Link's Awakening and I've never played the original. I just want to know what all the fuss around the story is about.
I'm reading the budget was initially thought to be $70 million, including some marketing and even some of that was used for Shenmue II, but Suzuki corrected the figure to $47 million ... which apparently was still as expensive as it got in '99?
Not sure I'll ever find a reliable source on this, since even gaming sales in in the 90s seem a bit fuzzy.
Looks pretty darn good from my laptop playing a YouTube video of the captured arcade content. Gonna chock this one up to either iffy emulation or just difference in taste between you and I.
It looks pretty damn good to me, having just watched it on YouTube. Animations seem a bit slow, but otherwise I dig the sprites. I might think differently if the game were from the SNES era, but I get why you were so impressed in '88. In fact, it looks closer to a SNES than an NES game, so color me impressed with the visuals for that time.
Interested choice of words, "economically," since I believe this was the most expensive game ever made at the time of its release. So I've heard, anyway.
But yeah, I was told by everyone to expect a museum piece that would set a foundation for Yakuza and that's what I feel I got, so overall I'm a Shenmue fan and plan to finish II and purchase III.