Yeah, I hear what you're saying, I'm kind of annoyed at the waves of enemies in Spec Ops: The Line, even though it's a shooter. I guess it all depends.
All I know is you can take my turn-based battles away from my cold dead hands!
Yeah, I hear what you're saying, I'm kind of annoyed at the waves of enemies in Spec Ops: The Line, even though it's a shooter. I guess it all depends.
All I know is you can take my turn-based battles away from my cold dead hands!
It's right next to "Audio and Video Shit".
I'm really curious to see how skinny this "reply" comment will get.
I'm not sure now which songs, but the ones that were more Hi-fi and recorded well, I like the ones that are kind of home made sounding or live and really organic, as opposed to ones you might hear on a radio station. that's just my own prejudice against the music industry.
yeah Princess Peach and Daisy are a lot more complex characters now, even when Peach is captured. In Thousand Year Door, you could be Peach and it was quite cute. And now, if a girl wants a girl character in Mario Kart, she has many options. But the damsel in distress thing is everywhere in our media, I mean, you do the same with Cortana in Halo 4, and that's what Bioshock Infinite seems to be about as well, you know?
It's just such a part of our culture, I don't think you can attack video games without attacking the roots of it in movies, literature, and poetry, which all have it and which all came first.
I tell you this though, I haven't watched the video, only looked at it, but -- and I know it's lame to say this, but I just have to be honest -- she's wearing too much makeup. I mean, maybe it's her age, or the idea that she's being put out there in front of all these people to be judged, but I just think she should be more natural in her look, because it looks like she's trying too hard. But I don't know maybe that's just how she rolls, what do I know? It just rings of insecurity to me, in a way.
I know that's a shallow response to a complex argument, but that's what I've got.
well, I'm trying to avoid getting into this war because it's so complex, and nobody wins except for the extremists, but I think that she picks games that prove her right, just as anyone would do. She's not going to include games that counter her argument.
Maybe she has some good points, but I think the whole thing is just left to others, not me. Everyone has an opinion, and that's cool, cause this is America. Are women second class citizens? In some ways... but this isn't restricted to video games. Anyway, I think it's good that people like Sarkeesian can speak their mind even though I don't agree with it all.
it looks like it's still a little crinkled. maybe because of that Klinger (Clinger?) pic? If not I don't know what the problem is.... I think the size limit is 500 or 600 something and you can adjust it in the "appearance" tab when you post an image in Pixlbit.
I've been listening to this all morning. I like most of it, except for the more top 40 poppy stuff that's trying to be modern too. And I want to kick Seamus Kennedy in the head.
but this is awesome. My family probably thinks I'm enjoying st. patty's day by listening to this stuff all morning.
Broken, you have to make your images smaller, they're stretching out your blog, and that's why the text is like that. That top image is going beyond the table on the right and stretching everything....