Hey! Yeah, only been back for a week now that the semester is over, but I'm glad to hear from you too. Check out some of my older posts if you want. I feel like there's a pretty interesting one about Fire Emblem in there. :)
Hey! Yeah, only been back for a week now that the semester is over, but I'm glad to hear from you too. Check out some of my older posts if you want. I feel like there's a pretty interesting one about Fire Emblem in there. :)
Yeah. Ni No Kuni makes a good first impression. That lasts for a good, long while, but by the end of the game, there are a few things that you will wish the designers had improved. A good game overall though, and if you love RPGs, you will enjoy it pretty thoroughly. I wrote a review on it yesterday if you are interested.
Hey Snee. I, too, was enamored of the game at first. Then the little problems (I had been able to ignore earlier in the game) kept rearing their ugly heads more and more as the game progressed. By the end, the problems with the battle AI were making me furious.
It's not that it isn't worth the full price- you'll get your money's worth. But it isn't quite the masterpiece that I've read about in a lot of reviews. Still, if you like RPGs, you'll have fun with this one, despite the issues.
You know, I was able to ignore the AI issues for the first thirty hours, because the game is pretty easy up to that point. But when you start facing the end bosses, the lack of healing becomes a critical problem
You'll get a lot of people saying how you should control the characters manually, how the game is still easy and it's only laziness that would cause stupid deaths. But the game is designed so that you can focus on offense while your party can handle the other stuff, and the game fails at doing a good job of it.
A lot of times, if a game possesses one quality in abundance that reviewers like, they score it higher than it deserves. This game does some things very well, but it has some glaring issues. Overall, however, it was a positive experience.
And thanks for the kind words!
Thanks again for saying such nice things. It may be cliche, but I try to make my reviews a bit different by going off on tangents that are maybe a bit more interesting than listing a bunch of good and bad points.
Like I said earlier, it's a lot like DQVIII, which is my fifth favorite RPG of all time. There are a lot of really good things about the game, but the aforementioned issues tend to creep in there and slowly, over the course of the game, ruin a lot of the fun.
That having been said, when it becomes less expensive, there is no reason for an RPG fan to NOT pick it up. Overall it's pretty good.
I played it through to completion in fifty. I may have missed some things, as I reached the point of tolerance saturation about twenty five hours in, and made a beeline for the ending.
Still, you can complete it fairly quickly if you don't do all the missions.
Same here on the 3ds Fire Emblem. I'm a teacher, so during the semester I have very little time, but during the Summer..... that's when I catch up with all my games.
Thanks for the kind words on the review. Hope you enjoy more of them in the future!
Resonance of Fate- great game? Say it ain't so!
Have you experienced THIS yet? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=seD5y3gL14I