Posted on 02/15/2018 at 04:02 PM
| Filed Under Blogs
Sony actually didn't do too badly in handhelds, especially with the PSP. That said, I liked Sony's handhelds for the niche Japanese games rather than for games like Uncharted. Now those type of games are going to the Switch and PS4. The problem is, Sony's success was built off of third-party games like FFVII and GTA, so the PSP and PSV didn't really have anything to make them stand out compared to Nintendo's offerings. Even GTA didn't keep the PSP from getting hammered by the DS.
As for Microsoft... no, just no. They can't even sort out the Xbox One at this point. A Microsoft handheld would have all the same problems Sony did, only worse. With how dead the Xbox is in Japan, they wouldn't even get most of the niche games that made the PSP and PSV still worth playing after Sony gave up on them.