The database with all our babbling in it would not load. Yesterday morning you could get to the site but none of the articles, blogs etc. were there. It was really weird.
The database with all our babbling in it would not load. Yesterday morning you could get to the site but none of the articles, blogs etc. were there. It was really weird.
Nick works hard, so we don't have to. :)
What shape is a pixlbit Snee?
and there's the pot calling the kettle. :) I'm doing alright How about you?
Google doesn't hire people to work from home shithead
I downloaded Stacking on PSN again. I had it on there before my original PS3 died but never finished it. I'm going to start it again and see if I can finish it.
Hope the kitty gets better soon. The only way I'll ever have an Xbox One is if it's used because then Microsoft doesn't make a penny off it. Then all the games would have to be used too so it will probably be never.