Posted on 10/02/2013 at 08:23 AM
| Filed Under Blogs
This is not a system buying game but it does look great. I would own it if and win I get a Wii U.
This is not a system buying game but it does look great. I would own it if and win I get a Wii U.
Sorry Gamestop Runed your day.
I have to admit even with all my Nintendo hating lately, SM3DW does look pretty good.
Sound good! Hey what peddle are you getting? I have the BOSS Metal Zone.
I am going to check with the retro gaming stores to see if they have WD on the Vita and what they would give me for a couple of games.
I know. That is basicly a 200% mark up.
I mean really? When they said 8 bucks and I am looking at it for sale used 28
Yes, a 200% mark up lol.