Yeah, I agreed with it. They don't have a good reason, but they have to give something other than "We don't want to" or if anyone at Activision is being a dick about it.
Yeah, I agreed with it. They don't have a good reason, but they have to give something other than "We don't want to" or if anyone at Activision is being a dick about it.
I'm just getting Titanfall on 360. Don't think I'd get an Xbone or go with the PC version if it wasn't on there.
I think you could justify a Vita if it was dropped in the $150-60 range because of how much you'd enjoy Tearaway. Feels like that game was made for you. Looking forward to all the Nintendo games. The Lego Movie I'll probably get after a price drop, but I'm much more excited for the actual movie. Looks incredible.
The 3DS PW game is surprisingly newcomer friendly, I couldn't really remember any spoilers to past PW games. You can also get the first three cheaper on iOS. Know you're not big on touch screen games, but the interface works great for the series. I think you'd like them either way you go.
Hopefully you like Destiny. Know we'll get some game nights out of it.
Yeah, I didn't even realize Ground Zeroes was seperate until a month ago. Just thought we'd have to wait for it with Phantom Pain in 2015.
You can get the first three PW games pretty cheap on iPhone in HD. They're really great games.
Wii U's at least getting a good stream of games. DKC, Bayonetta, and X all look great while Mario 3D World is fantastic. I'm sure Nintendo will offer more than a few more games that will make one worthwhile.
Yeah, I saw yours. There's a few games I wanted on there also, but I can wait on DKC and Yoshi for a sale. Smash Bros I'll probably get day one though whenever that comes out.
That is a stupid reason, but they have to give some half assed excuse. Because you know the real reason is some stupid Activision CEO decision no one wants to admit to. Hopefully it gets changed partway through like Dark Souls or with at least one of the sequels.
That reminded me I forgot about Dragon Age Inquisition, which looks fantastic. Seems to be the first great RPG of the PS4/Xbone era.