I've got too many friends who are MGS fans to wait for that. Half the fun with MGS to me is talking about it with them, though that's to a greater extent with 2 and 4 than 1 and 3.
I've got too many friends who are MGS fans to wait for that. Half the fun with MGS to me is talking about it with them, though that's to a greater extent with 2 and 4 than 1 and 3.
That Last of Us beat two SRPGs is about the most realistic I can expect you to like it. I've been thinking of giving Ni No Kuni another shot, maybe I was just getting to the part where the game will click for me.
Yeah, that is more in line with my tastes. But that Tomb Raider, bleh.
Also as a Nintendo fanboy, I can tell you that you're absolutely right about Rayman Legends. Beats the crap out of every New Super Mario Bros game. Only 2D platformer that comes close to Legends is Kirby's Return to Dreamland
Well, you just bumped Brothers from an eventually to a right away when it goes free on Plus. Looks good, but not sure if its my cup of tea. I agree on The Stanley Parable's humor too. I never expected to like a game where you do nothing but walk, but god damn that game was hilarious.
I got a beta code from Amazon. Try canceling and preordering again and you may get a code.
I can't wait for Destiny either. Looks so good.
I get that now. But it's hard to tell the difference between something's bad and something sucks when you don't explain it, would you agree?
3 really did take things too far. I tried replaying it and a good chunk of that game is just walking around doing nothing, which 2 did like once or twice and then it actually fit. And when the game does up the challenge, it's all about memorizing what order to kill the people shooting and throwing explosives at you
Too much stuff not organized well, so let me just put it at this: I disagree and still have a ton of fun replaying these games over and over again. Except ODST. That was just alright.