I'm a little worried I'll miss one (or more), but I'll be content with myself for at least making the attempt.
I'm a little worried I'll miss one (or more), but I'll be content with myself for at least making the attempt.
What have I done?! Or rather since I haven't posted yet, what am I going to do, I guess?!
I was an Ambassador so I got Minish Cap, Fusion, and Yoshi's Island. Though I really would like to have Golden Sun and it's sequel on the Virtual Console some time soon, so I'm hoping that rumor I read somewhere about the 3DS getting GBA VC games is true.
Glad to know your grandmother's doing better.
I wanted to check out Ender's Game, but I figure I'll wait 'til it hits premium cable or something.
I'd really like to try one of those Pong machines, if only to say I did.
Now this is a bio! I've been wanting to do something like this, but I keep chickening out. I have the opposite problem with the whole 'brevity is the soul of wit' thing and end up taking so much out of it that even I don't know what I wrote.
I don't know how to feel about this since I haven't played a Gears game, but hopefully it won't be treated as badly as some of Rare's properties have been.
If only I had the money. Now I know how the Huntsman from Freakazoid feels. Darn the luck, Darn it!!
iTunes can be pretty weird at times. There was this one time where out of nowhere over half my library up and vanished. It turns out all the files were still there on the hard drive of my laptop, but iTunes for whatever reason deleted one specific file and it all went to hell from there.