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Super Step's Comments - Page 1264

Thoughts from someone informed by headlines

Posted on 06/28/2013 at 05:31 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Rick Perry is hilarious ... I honestly forget he's my governor sometimes, because I only watch him for the lulz. I actually saw him speak in person at SFA when he was signing his book, Fed Up! I hadn't really seen him much before then, just knew of some of his policy decisions, so I was taken aback by how hard he was trying to imitate Bush.

Paula Deen will be fine, and that's a throwaway story, but that picture of her just makes me laugh. Really does make her look like a supervillian (maybe one from Django *ahem*)

And yeah, DOMA's being struck down is a step in the right direction, but it's a battle, not a war won for those rights. Not sure how safe I'd feel having a gay wedding in OK, though. lol Undecided

A possible Metal Gear Solid remake?

Posted on 06/28/2013 at 02:54 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I really liked Twin Snakes, so another remake would be cool.

Liked the songs today, they both got a lot of spins on alternative when I was growing up.

Digging For Gold at the Value Village Again.

Posted on 06/28/2013 at 02:50 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I remember we once rented either a Playstation or a Saturn on vacation once and I played Independence Day on it.
I think I liked it, but I was a lot younger and these systems were brand new. Don't remember too much about it though, really. 10th Anniversary Reviews!

Posted on 06/28/2013 at 02:27 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Happy Tenth Anniversary!

What I'm Playing!

Posted on 06/28/2013 at 02:21 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Deadpool sounds like when people make something to parody tropes in their medium, but end up repeating those tropes; calling attention to re-use of thugs and ugly textures doesn't make your re-use of thugs and ugly textures any better. But then, I do like Deadpool, and that is an awesome concept for his game, plus you make it sound like fun, even if it's generic, so if I ever get the chance, I'll definitely give it a shot.

Screwy Stand Up

Posted on 06/28/2013 at 12:47 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Thanks for the compliment. And yeah, stand up is a big game of crowd feeling, which is less (still there though) of a factor than with friends. Still, comedy at the dinner table can often be more cathartic than stand up ... maybe I should have people hire me to be a funny guy at dinner tables. I love to eat, too, it could be a win-win if they also pay me food cost or offset it ... hmmm...

My short list for what remains of this generation

Posted on 06/27/2013 at 08:56 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Nah, not really, I might not have first hand experience with all of them, but I know what I like. lol

IGN Complains New Super Luigi U Has No Story

Posted on 06/27/2013 at 07:32 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Yeah, I loved cutscenes when they were new to games, and my favorite medium is arguably film, but I definitely prefer when I can just play a game In most instances. 

You're right, the title is all I needed. Wonder if they come out with an inventive and fun game mechanic for a new Metroid, whoever wrote the review will complain Samus doesn't talk in the cutscenes, even though they've seen Other M ...

A few cool items I found today.

Posted on 06/27/2013 at 06:59 PM | Filed Under Blogs

In the cats' defense, that plush toy is, while cool, pretty freaky lookin'. Those are from Half-Life, right?

Cool comic book covers, too. As for Metal Gear, I got pissed by how far one particular guard could see ... through a bush. Yeah, it's a Metal Gear game, but keep in mind, it's definitely made for the NES area of AAAARGHH! No "cone of shame" sightlines for guards in that one.

First song you posted kinda reminded me of Lion King; I mean, in the shallowest way possible; just a voice coming in through chanting can sometimes make me think "Lion King," even though obviously that style is not exclusive to African or Disney music; but it's definitely got its own great charm, and I liked the staging in the video.

I'm always envious of celebrities that have multiple talents they're good enough with to tour on. I have multiple talents, but I dunno if I could be successful with all of them. Jack of all trades, master of I'd like to think one or two, but maybe not three or four. lol Really liked how her voice matched Martin's banjo, and the lyrics.

off beat Thursday! Just something to do!

Posted on 06/27/2013 at 06:49 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Don't remember too much about Advent Rising, but those guns look cool. Dug the music.

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