Your now playing a game that involved a pretty red headed girl?
Your now playing a game that involved a pretty red headed girl?
Same here. But I got Limbo atleast after all these years.
taht is rather dark for a kids scene. I need to check out this game.
Congratulations! You owed it to Tifa to finish the game. Now you can either move on to the rest of the games based on the FF VII series or try to beat the Ultimate Weapons in FFVII. I wonder if you had the same WTF moment the rest of us had at the end of the game. made me glad they released the CG movie Advent Children.
Only know two of those three games. Just goes to show how far behind I've become with current gaming as of late. Didn't trust Watch Dogs given that it has Ubisoft attached to it along with their use of UPlay in it. Sucks to be a PC gamer.
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Wolfenstein.....*drools*
Yet anohter incentive to get a Vita in the future. I just need to decide on trying for the original model or the newer one. My PSP is holding up so far but an upgrade is all but inevitable.
Don't think I could go for this, even if the are simple games. Plus I didn't get the chance to play these kind of games back in the day.
I need moar 3DS games. I only have 1 and I'm sure there is more to gaming on the 3DS than Donkey Kong Country Returns.
can't get into specifics at the moment. already at a job where specficis are the key.
I skippede skyrim since i don't want it ruined.
I stil lneed to post that video series about how FFX/X-2 sucks but I just don't have the time right now.