Posted on 07/19/2014 at 05:15 PM
| Filed Under Feature
I'm racking my brain trying to think of any projectiles that were dodged, and I'm coming up short. I can't commit to yes or no. The most memorable interactions were obviously the melee attacks, mainly becaue they were so gib-heavy. If you're looking for fast and gross, I think you'll be happy.
One thing I didn't mention in my write-up is that there were no on-screen prompts, but the fight with jetpack guy sure seemed like it was going to be some sort of QTE. Maybe not, but I am a little worried about that in hindsight. The same might be true for the big finishing moves like the organ into mouth bit at the end. I'm not sure how scripted those will be, but hopefully they will be pretty organic.
Regardless, from what you've written, I think you will be pleased.