Aw man, have you tried Tetris Effect? I love that game. It's the closest I've come to having a spiritual experience during a video game session. It's awesome.
Aw man, have you tried Tetris Effect? I love that game. It's the closest I've come to having a spiritual experience during a video game session. It's awesome.
That "Save Aeris $19.99" up top had me rolling! I could totally see them doing that if they were so inclinded.
I agree about Tetris being a good way to think through things or calm down from stress. I discovered that purely by accident many years ago when I was stressed about something before playing the game. But as kept playing, I found myself thinking of solutions to my problem and working it out in my head. It was so relaxing and zen.
I love watching Video Game Historian videos! I think I may have seen the Tetris episode already, but I'm not entirely sure. I'll check it out and see. I really enjoy the way covers the history of a particular game or accessory.
When I started playing around with emulators for screenshots some years ago, I tried out Tengen Tetris on the NES. While I prefer the graphics of the official Nintendo version, I like the music in Tegen's verison better, especially the first track that plays if you use the default music settings. And I love the brief dancing interludes between levels.
Is Puyo Puyo Tetris any good?
I think I may have seen it on the Atari 2600 (I know I played Kangaroo on that system). But I definitely emember playing it a lot on Konami Arcade Classic on the PlayStation 1. I love that game.
Man, I loved Outrun on the Genesis. The soundtrack was awesome and it was fun driving down the road without being worried with winning first place. I have made it the end on quite a few occasions. Very good driving game.
You got Tetris Effect? Neat! You are in for a treat. That's a good example of another 5-star worthy Tetris game. It totally elevates the Teris experience. I always deeply enjoy that game when I play it. I'm sure you're gonna love it too!
I beat Castlevania II back in 2012 when I was playing it so I could write a review of it. I actually found it to be easier than the first game. I jmust used a FAQ to get me past the obtuse parts.
What a time imdeed! It’s getting to the point where I have to cancel certain preorders in favor of upcoming games I'd rather not have to hunt for later. I’m think about swapping Dragon Quest Builders 2 for DQ XI S. I canceled the Crash Team Racing remake in favor of the deluxe edition of the Final Fantasy VII Remake. There’s so much stuff I want to play!