Yeah, I can't even remember which bosses are included in Xtreme 2. Just remember that I liked that game a lot when I had it as a kid.
Yeah, I can't even remember which bosses are included in Xtreme 2. Just remember that I liked that game a lot when I had it as a kid.
You're going to be eating those words when a comic or new Mass Effect game continues where the Extended Cut left off rather than what you're saying happened.
They're all on the 3DS eshop if you want to get around to them.
I really wish they'd put more GBA games on VC. Metroid Zero Mission and Minish Cap deserve to be played by everyone.
I think you'd really like Donkey Kong. If you ever get a 3DS, definitely download it.
I need to play Shantae.
I'd really recommend the Phoenix Wright series for both DS and 3DS. I wasn't big on the idea at first if it's off putting, but it's the best point and click adventure series I've played. Not sure if you don't like Pokemon or never tried it, but X and Y or Heartgold/Soulsilver are great places to start if you want to get into it. I think you'd also enjoy World Ends With You, nothing really like it out there.
I wouldn't really call NES that diverse. How many of its games are 2D sidescrollers/platformers?
SMB2 isn't my favorite Mario by any means, but I love its visual style a lot and the gameplay, while different, is really good. I'd love to see Nintendo give it a NSMB style sequel.
It can play a lot of things.