P4 golden is persona 4 with a face lift and looks good and persona 3 is awesome as well, but i picked persona 4 as the best because persona 3s Tataurus tower was very bland.
P4 golden is persona 4 with a face lift and looks good and persona 3 is awesome as well, but i picked persona 4 as the best because persona 3s Tataurus tower was very bland.
Well goid news i read that Persona 5 was in the works and the only question i have is what system will it release on mmmmmmm.
Yes i know your totally retro but they do have persona on the PlayStation which would be right uo your alley.
Well Joe i know your not really a rpg player but if you were to start this would be a great place to start.
Persona 3 & 4 are great games and you should get them its totalky worth the price.
Persona 3 no doubt was very close to being the best and really the basic layout of the tower levels were what kept number 4 instead of 3 but i think we would agree the persona series is the best rpgs ever and are one of the most balanced unique series and really the only other rpgs to come close were the Zelda series.
They have custom controllershops online for small hands big hands all colors etc i have seen wild custom ccontrollers for all systems.
Well EAs not the brightest bulb in the chandelier lol!!!
I dont own a PS3 yet but i do think the ps2 controller is the best but dont get me wrong i like the Xbox controller as well.
Well although my hands are not small this is a very cool controller for the game cube and i kinda agree the Xbox controller is big and although i like it the ps2 controller always felt the best for me.