My favorite part was shutting it off.
My favorite part was shutting it off.
Now that I just finished Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, it might be time to finally dive into Mass Effect. I'll have to run it by Chessa and see if she's down. Tomorrow we'll be started something new, one way or another.
Hey guys, thanks for coming out. We're all done now.
Sorry that the game wasn't a bit more interesting, we're pretty disappointed in it as well. Maybe next time we get something in this early, we'll have something more interesting to show.
Me too. Videos make the game look absolutely gorgeous. It's sad that Nintendo has become associated with sub par graphics. This hasn't traditionally been the case, so it'll be nice to see that changed up in the coming generation.
I wish they had some more significant titles playable on the floor, because the ones being shown don't really cater to the crowd that's experiencing them. Not sure how Nintendo didn't realize that before shipping off to LA this year...
I'm semi-excited for this game. I've enjoyed the series and the art style shown here is really nice, but I much prefer 3D Rayman to 2D.
The worst part of this? Media outlets with some cash to spend just grab some booth space and in turn have early access to everything. E3 is fun, but it sure can be frustrating when you are busting your ass to get good coverage for your readers.
Money in the bank. Called this shit. It wasn't Wii HD, obviously, but close enough. I even called that it would feature the same technology. Suck on that Michael Pachter.
This is crazy. Seriously. My mind is still blown by this news. Nintendo made a big mistake pricing the 3DS at $249.99. It was a greedy thing to do and I think they are going to be forced to a lower price point come release of the Vita.
I will say this for sure: if we don't get a review unit of the Vita, I'll be picking one up.
This seems to be what I'd want out of a sequel to XIII. Less linearity would really make this gameplay even more spectacular.
Notes on these games from the MS Press Conference:
Disneyland Adventures
- Park is faithfully recreated
- Create your own souvenirs
- Go to the park with friends
- can go on Peter Pans flight with Kinect
- Alice in Wonderland, go through the looking glass
- Crazy ride-like gameplay
- Coming this holiday
- Rides all seem to be on rails, forced progression affairs based in various disney universes
Star Wars Kinect
- Lightsaber dueling
- Vehicle Piloting of all sorts
- Racing podracers
- Pilot X-Wings
- Use force powers
- Navigate the world similarly to Fable