Actually, Cary, there's more 2D platformers than 3D ones on the PS1. The N64 has more 3D platformers.
Actually, Cary, there's more 2D platformers than 3D ones on the PS1. The N64 has more 3D platformers.
Wow. How'd you play the game without a Playstation? jk
Isn't that how it usually goes? A franchise starts off strong and after several entries gets stale. What a shame.
The taco bell dog was Spyro too? What a strange world we live in...
It holds up really well, still fun to play and still looks pretty good.
Thanks. You visited Insomniac? Sweet! What was that like?
Rats, you barely beat me. I finished 24 games in 2014. I'll be posting about them on Monday, so check it out.
Smash Wii U is probably my GOTY too. Awesome! Shovel Knight is another incredible game that wowed me and was a great nostalgia trip. A lot of good games this year, many of which you named on Wii U. Folks, now is the time to get a Wii U; the games on the system are awesome.
Haven't played it, but I would guess it is. Usually the arcade version is better than any game console port.
It's cool, I guess. I'm meh on it too. The two dudes are sooooo 80's it's disgusting.