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Super Step's Comments - Page 1375

Three Atypical Acoustic Guitar Songs by Heavy Bands + Gaming Updates

Posted on 04/14/2013 at 12:01 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I liked the McDowell cameo in Snuff. And looking at the lyrics after years of not having done so, they're not that bad, I guess certain vocal choices Corey made in the first part were a bit creepy to me, and I let that influence my thoughts on part 2 having not heard it in forever. Ironically, that first part is one of my favorite songs because of those vocals, and I really like when it gets to around the middle and he starts yelling. What that says of me, I do not know.

I want to say I've heard the Opeth song before, but I'll look it up to make sure.

This one is for Dave. Thanks 4 the psp,brotha!

Posted on 04/13/2013 at 10:39 PM | Filed Under Blogs

There's also Maverick Hunter X. Both look awesome, yet sold terribly, so I'm betting if you need a Mega Man fix from the bargain bin, PSP will serve you well. 

There's a heavy DC theme here...

Posted on 04/13/2013 at 02:03 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Easier way to embed is just to copy the link, then hit the button that looks like a piece of film, and paste in there where it says to. I don't know if copy/pasting the embed code into the blog itself really works; maybe if you're in HTML view?

Anyway, former Retro people working on Batman sounds awesome, as does a fighting game with a story involving DC characters. Is it just me though, or is there something kind of "meh" from a graphical standpoint about Injustice? I just feel it could look a lot better than what I've seen, but haven't played the demo, so can't judge.

I should probably watch Community and read more comic books, but that's a little like you saying you should blog more. I want to, but whether or not it happens is anyone's guess. lol

Why Capcom Doesn't Do Anything With Mega Man

Posted on 04/13/2013 at 01:46 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Yeah, I kind of knew they weren't going to touch Mega Man after the huge disappointment sales-wise that were those PSP remakes you mentioned. According to at least, North America was ninety some-odd percent of the market for both, and combined they only sold a total of 4000 copies worldwide. Oof. Granted, I think much of that could be due to its platform. I recall PSP not being as popular outside North America. Could be wrong. Even with that in mind though, those aren't inspiring sales figures.

I saw footage of that gritty FPS reboot the other day and just didn't like where they were going with it, but I do like SFXMM, and like Carey, I think Duck Tales Powered Up is a good idea.

I really hope someone makes a future for Mega Man, but you're right, I question if Capcom cares to.

Blog #2

Posted on 04/13/2013 at 01:12 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Well, I haven't played anything in the series or watched any of the anime or read any of the manga, so it'll all be new to me. lol

Portrait of Ruin is fun, I had a much easier time beating that than Order. Sorry you have to retread your steps though, I hate when I forget to save.

And I figured out the game I was thinking of was Power Stone.

Three Atypical Acoustic Guitar Songs by Heavy Bands + Gaming Updates

Posted on 04/13/2013 at 12:52 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I think I remember that too, but man, it has been forever.

And yeah, Pinball is awesome.

Three Atypical Acoustic Guitar Songs by Heavy Bands + Gaming Updates

Posted on 04/13/2013 at 12:51 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Thanks Aaron! That helps a lot, although now that I know there are such specialized and tiny tools involved, I'm really just hoping they don't get any dirtier than they already are. lol

Three Atypical Acoustic Guitar Songs by Heavy Bands + Gaming Updates

Posted on 04/13/2013 at 12:49 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm playing it on my GBA, does that count? lol

And steaks sound delicious right about now.

Three Atypical Acoustic Guitar Songs by Heavy Bands + Gaming Updates

Posted on 04/13/2013 at 12:48 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Most of Bad Religion's songs, when they're stripped down like that, have a very similar folksy feel to that one, you might like them. There's also a Youtube girl named Emily Davis that does some good acoustic covers of their songs.

I think there was even a big stink when Metallica released Ride the Lightning, and people thought bells was "too slow." They just can't catch a break. Ironically, it's their versatility that probably helped make them so big. That and their insane work ethic in terms of touring.

So you are a fan of Ryan Gosling, and your wife is not? I have never had a girlfriend that was not enamored with him. lol Is it something to do with his personality, or just the movies he in, I wonder? Either way, it's five o' clock somewhere, enjoy your vacation! Smile

Three Atypical Acoustic Guitar Songs by Heavy Bands + Gaming Updates

Posted on 04/13/2013 at 12:42 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I really dig "Circle" and "Vermillion Part II" by them. Although the latter gets kind of creepy, lyrically....

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