I bet some people would shut up if they did a HD remake of E.T. LOL.
I bet some people would shut up if they did a HD remake of E.T. LOL.
That is one reason it took me so long to finish Phantom hourglass.
I have three stores where I live I can get all the Zelda game no more than 30 bucks a piece.
Oh stop whining and being so debauchee and buy one. lol.
You can turn off the the 3D on the 3DS. It has a Parental feature that allows it.
Well maybe they will sell the rights to Sega and it can be released on a Sega system that will never come. So I say next to never.
SMH. That is about it.lol.
I wanted it just for the technology. Yes I did buy OoT 3D, but then felt very disappointed by that purchase. What about a new Mario Strikers?
Partially yes. In whole I want them to stop re-re-releasing these games over and over. I want a new game that will make me say damn I need that system Nintendo! I have all those games on the original systems and on my 3DS because I am an Ambassador. They have them on DS collections, GBA collections. I am just sick of it really.
Oh, I agree. There will be people buying it,but for what reason really? I just feel if they are tosell this system they need to bring something new and fresh to it.