indeed. Me love me some metroid :D
indeed. Me love me some metroid :D
I will say, i feel like this game has more of a purpose for it than Gears and God of War. Theres still a chance for it to be lackluster, but i hope it turns out well in the end.
yeah. at this point, im expecting it to be good, but the real question is, will it be better than Arkham City? in that case, im skeptical. Time will tell...
Yes, that would be a good idea.
yeah, that demo is insanely fun. I've been practicing it way more than I should be, lol.
Very excited to get to the DLC now that the Level Cap is coming. Im sure it will be a blast. The new class looks pretty fun too.
I geeked out on the Pokemon level. I'm pretty sure theres more where that came from, so ill likely be picking this one up.
You know, Im not even mad at you for that, cant be: Citadel was amazing. Those last few lines man...THE FEELS!!!
I guess part of why I liked it so much was because I went into it with no expectations really. I wasn't even considering trying the game until about a week before when the reviews started coming in. The QTE's were really dumb, i admit, along with the exaggerated violence and flat supporting cast but the game was just fun. I felt a good mix of linearity and freedom to explore. Not to mention the cover system is pretty great. I do also agree that hearing about a game too much can lower its appeal. My brother marathoned Kingdom Hearts when i was trying to take my time with it, and it made me sick of the game. I want to try it again now, but seeing it so much kinda took me out of the mood to play it, so I see how that can have an effect.
I feel you. I totally agree that it is early in the year and there are too many great games on the horizon to mark Tomb Raider up so high, but I think its definitely in the running along with games like DmC and Dead Space 3, and even Fire Emblem imo. Of course once the heavy hitters start to come out, things will change. Bioshock Infinite, The Last of Us, GTA V, Saints Row 4, and the new Mario Wii U title are just a handful of games that will likely take top honors by years end but its still safe to say that TR impressed a lot of people and will at least be brought up in conversation by some.