Lol!! You aint right Joe
Lol!! You aint right Joe
Where or which one should i start at? i played the ninety nine knights or Kessen how is it in comparison, im really good at the Romance and Nobunigans Anbition series and i know the characters from the series is in the Dynasty franchise like Cao Cao Zeing Fei etc and i played the Dynasty Tactics games as well so im definitely interested.
Yea a tad bit early for Octoberfest beer but whatever floats there boat right i do like most Sam Adams beer and although im more into dark german beer probably because im 70% german lol, but anyway great reveiw as always and maybe we will get this beer in october we shall see.
Good reveiw Darby elemental seems very interesting and i will have to check it out and by the way your cast seems to be getting better then the last episode so thats a good thing great job i did enjoy it.
Check out my reveiw of it and its an epic rpg very under rated with a very good story i would highly recommend it.
Damn Blake your getting really good with these music vids great job man.
Im a big fan of Koei and although im not a big fan of the Dynasty Warrior games i do play The Romance of the three Kingdoms series that the DW games derive from the story fascinates me and i love history i love playing thes games for the story although i suck at playing the game thats why i dont really play the series. But your reveiw has me wanting to try it again, great reveiw and did you give it a score cause my blind ass didnt see one.
I never completed Lost Odyssey was one i never completed but wow wasit a good one well until i traded it its another on my list to get games.
Blue Dragon was one of the main reasons i startedpkaying on the 360 very good game.
Divinity II is one of my favorite rpgs really the only bitch i had wirh it was the obnoxious load times i mean walk through a door and you have to wait 3 minutes for a load screen WTF!!! Lol!!