I never got into Spider Man, or any super hero video games in general. Only comic book games I got into were the LEGO ones and Marvel vs. Capcom.
I never got into Spider Man, or any super hero video games in general. Only comic book games I got into were the LEGO ones and Marvel vs. Capcom.
I think I remember some school supplies, folders or backpacks or something, that had Link and Mario side by side and it said, "Nintendo Power" at the top. It was memorable because back then, you didn't see the characters together in a picture like that, unless it was the Nintendo Cereal System.
I know! There's a bunch. And that's saying something, because when we were kids, we DID have a lot of video game related merchandise. I mean, I slept in Pac-Man bedsheets, ate Pac-Man cereal (I took out the marshmallows, though), and saved my money in a plastic Q*bert bank.
My only problem is that most of the stuff out there today is all Mario! I wish we got more Kirby and Zelda and Metroid and Mega Man stuff. *does best Jan Brady impression* It's all just "Mario! Mario! Mario!"
Well I've never heard of this one before, but since you said it was never officially published, maybe that's why. Did you play it when you were in Germany?
I think all the games I played on our first computer, the Apple ][+, were pirated. I didn't realize it then since I was such a little kid. All I know is my dad would bring home a box of floppy disks with games on them from time to time, and I'd play them. I didn't question it then, but now I wonder how he got them all?
I loved the graphic style of Octopath Traveler, and that it plays like a classic RPG as well. But man was it too grindy! I lost interest after I got all the characters.
In MY gaming news, I just beat Ys 9! Yay! You know how when you beat a game, you're glad it's over, but then you also kind of miss the characters and settings you got to know so well? That's kind of how it felt for me with Ys 9. It's kind of silly to think that way, and the game is still not my favorite Ys game, but it's one of the best new games I've played this year so far.
So now I'm working on the next game I bought: Balan Wonderworld. It's a colorful 3-D platformer that's like one from the late 90's/early 2000's. Which is great, but it also has some of the frustrations from that era, too. Plus it's a bit heavy on the backtracking, and usually I don't mind that!
Let me know if you see any other Animal Crossing stuff!
One of the reasons why I collect all the amiibo figures is they're such high quality.
I am totally stoked for New Pokemon Snap. The original was a special game to me because it was one of the only games I reviewed for the newspaper that I got a front page tagline for. I can even remember my tagline title: "Smile and Say Pikachu!" And the game was fun, too. It was made by HAL Labs, who also make Kirby and Smash games. So they're one of my favorite companies. They're not in charge of New Pokemon Snap, but my number one favorite game company is: Namco! I've already got the new game preordered and everything. I may even write a blog around the game's release where I talk about my favorite Pokemon spin off games. It'll be at the end of April before I write and post that, though. Right now it's just an idea rolling around in my head.
Only things I know about Onimusha is that Capcom made it, it was really popular for a while, and it's hard to spell. Capcom made a lot of those Onimusha games for a while, kind of like how they do Monster Hunter now.
I like Miyamoto and all, but I'm not a fan of everything he does and says. Like PIkmin, for example. Never got into that series much. Although I did like the 2-D 3DS PIkmin game every PIkmin fan hates, and that new Pikmin mobile game sounds interesting. Also, I think Star Fox Zero is one of Nintendo's worst games ever made. But yeah, there's nothing wrong with more of the same every now and then. I wouldn't mind a new F-Zero game with just more tracks, better graphics, and online play and such. Who are your favorite F-Zero characters? Mine are the fat Samurai guy with the pink car, and Mrs. Arrow.