You just reminded me I had only seen the first episode of Psycho Pass and that I need to continue it.
You just reminded me I had only seen the first episode of Psycho Pass and that I need to continue it.
Who do you think the bearded man was?
Wethever is trolling or not, it's really all stupid, especialy for someone like me who gets irked by the slightest trash on the ground.
Vatican City is in Italy lol.
I would like to visit east Europe now that you mentioned Serbia. Seems very interesting.
Reading your excitement over Wolfenstein made me regret not buying it on the Steam Summer Sale. Then again, I missed many of the sales because of traveling abroad.
Great article about gaming addiction (and i'll ignore the generalization that MRAs are all mysoginist just this time). Dismising it is bullshit because, how else you would explain the cases of gamers who stay days playing WoW? I can confirm how much it isn't good because I once stayed all night trying to beat Sonic Heroes when I was a kid. Okay, i'm getting carried away, but anyway, I agree.
Also, great articles from Joe for his intro to Plus10. Since his second about games that gave me "The Feels" was very interesting, I would say that the games that I had those kind of reactions would be The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Super Mario Galaxy (first one only though), Halo: Reach, Dear Esther recently and some artsy web games (can't remember them except this one).
It looks interesting. I'll check it out if I don't forget about it.
I may catch it this year since i'm interested in watching the ones of Melee, BlazBlue and KOF.
Here's the blog:
I think something I like about a (anti) social justice blog I follow on Tumblr is that it shows both the bad side of feminism and MRAs, the mods balance each other (and also the people in the community) and they are willing to explain issues, terms and whatnot and also give reasoning. I think you would like it.
I tried watching the first video, but even with the cool animation, good god, was the audio atrocious! However, The Protomen are cool from what I've heard so far, so no problem with them.