I really like the original as well, glad they didn't try to fix what wasn't broken, apparently.
I really need to get a 3DS when more money comes my way.
I really like the original as well, glad they didn't try to fix what wasn't broken, apparently.
I really need to get a 3DS when more money comes my way.
I used to love going to the local Blockbuster when they had those kiosks to print the photos you had taken from the game, or something like that. I loved going to Blockbuster just for that any time I'd rent the game.
I've been saying to myself, since I'm holding out on new games and systems and such until more money rolls in, that I won't get a WiiU because it's not as high-powered as 720 (or whatever?) or PS4 will be, but maybe since I missed out on this current generation entirely, it provides a bit of that experience as well as its interesting gimmick that you seem to be enjoying in Zombi U's case. But as you said, jury's still out, so still waiting, though I'm glad you're enjoying it!
I do really want a 3DS though, as I've always stuck with Nintendo handhelds.
Well that's good, glad you enjoyed it! How'd you come to see him if you don't like metal? Was it a concert with a mix of bands, or just went with a friend who like Ozzy? Or he is just an exception in your case? You got me curious. lol
I think the professor made me laugh the most in the original. lol
I actually enjoyed the story when I first played it, but I couldn't tell you what that ended was all about. Patriotism, somehow, I guess?
I need to play Zone of the Enders at some point. And Metal Gear Ghost Babel sounds awesome.
I remember when my friend randomly bought a hunting game in college for his 360. I think it ended up actually being fun for him, hope you have the same luck.
Pokemon Snap, that brings back some good memories.
To hell with Online Pass games, that sounds like it was hell to figure out before PSN made that menu.
Sure can tell the difference in those screenshots. The X-2 part of that promo was a bit of an afterthought though, it seemed like. lol
What True Gamer At Heart said.