I'll need to look up that song.
And it's cool, that's why the summaries are there, I don't expect everyone to want to hear me drone, say "uhh" and smack my lips trying to breathe for fifteen minutes.lol
But I've been trying to get myself to do at least these little audio clips so I can eventually try and do a podcast like I've wanted to for a long time. I kept making excuses like not having the best equipment, but at least by sucking it up and talking into my phone I can start getting a rythm going again, and as is said on the first track of The Heist, "the greats weren't great because at birth they could paint, the greats were great because they'd paint a lot." Having not been on air in any form for over a year, I'm having to start over somewhere to get where I want to be. Don't worry though, I need to improve my writing skills as well, so I can definitely have something more friendly to the podcast averse in the near future.