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Super Step's Comments - Page 1419

Another Audio Blog: GLaD 24: Luigi's Mansion, Sabbath Sunday: Ozzy Ozbourne

Posted on 03/25/2013 at 06:00 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I'll need to look up that song.

And it's cool, that's why the summaries are there, I don't expect everyone to want to hear me drone, say "uhh" and smack my lips trying to breathe for fifteen

But I've been trying to get myself to do at least these little audio clips so I can eventually try and do a podcast like I've wanted to for a long time. I kept making excuses like not having the best equipment, but at least by sucking it up and talking into my phone I can start getting a rythm going again, and as is said on the first track of The Heist, "the greats weren't great because at birth they could paint, the greats were great because they'd paint a lot." Having not been on air in any form for over a year, I'm having to start over somewhere to get where I want to be. Don't worry though, I need to improve my writing skills as well, so I can definitely have something more friendly to the podcast averse in the near future. Wink

Another Audio Blog: GLaD 24: Luigi's Mansion, Sabbath Sunday: Ozzy Ozbourne

Posted on 03/25/2013 at 05:49 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I'll go ahead and mention that there's a deluxe edition of that CD in case you're interested. I just received the normal one, and love it, but deluxe has three extra songs: "Victory Lap," "Castle," and "My Oh My" which is his tribute to Seattle Mariners announcer Dave Neihaus. Of course, I don't know how much that version costs, and you can just do what I will and download whichever of those songs you like off iTunes, just thought I'd mention it, cause in retrospect I might have asked for that version. lol

As for Ozzy, he definitely has a genuine love of music that to me seems to almost conflict with the darker tone of the heavy metal genre. He smiles and bounces around and seems to play metal because it's fun and provides himself and others a damn good time, as opposed to doing it cause it's edgy, which is refreshing. And he always was a bit edgy, but I don't get the perception he was trying to be, just that he was trying to have fun in ways that could come across as such.

As for Jack, all work and no play do make a dull boy, as my three years with Residence Life taught me, but now I find myself wanting and needing to work more than I currently do. Hopefully, some warehouse shipments come in or something. lol Oh well, all part of my journey to find balance. Thanks for the comment as always!

Binary Domain surprisingly good!

Posted on 03/25/2013 at 02:28 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Only game I think I ever really played for story first and gameplay second was MGS and its series. Not that the gameplay was bad, just that I don't think I'd be as willing to keep with its stealth action focus unless the story had hooked me.

The two and a half minutes I watched of that trailer you posted sure do look nice, and looks like a bit of variety thrown in with those water-way segments; I know what you mean about "sandy brown" shooters, this one has a much more clean futuristic vibe in its aesthetic I'm really digging, as it's a nice departure from the "everything in ruins dystopia" I'm used to seeing in too many games now.

The God Particle

Posted on 03/25/2013 at 01:35 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I was actually going to mention it sounded a bit like NIN, but I'm a bit ignorant of industrial so I didn't want to let that show. Nice to know I was on to something. lol

Another Audio Blog: GLaD 24: Luigi's Mansion, Sabbath Sunday: Ozzy Ozbourne

Posted on 03/25/2013 at 01:13 AM | Filed Under Blogs

No problem. Only Ozzfests I've been to were '07 (free tickets!) and '08 (Dallas, TX only, Metallica headlined and brought King Diamond!) but I saw Type O Negative with Hatebreed and 3 Inches of Blood in one of those years as well; I actually hadn't really heard of Type O before then, but I do like "Black No. 1" and was sad their singer died.

I remember on 1up, riffcompelsme had written a blog about when Will Smith's wife was there. lol Shadows Fall was at Ozzfest '08 as well and had a great set, never saw Rob Zombie, Sepultura, or Mudvayne live, but though I'd especially love to see Rob Zombie live, Hellyeah! (Mudvayne singer, Pantera drummer, I forget who else) and a band whose name I forget that was made up of former Sepultura and I think Soul Fly members were at Ozzfest '08 as well.

Picked Up Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon Today

Posted on 03/24/2013 at 11:59 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I really like the original as well, glad they didn't try to fix what wasn't broken, apparently.

I really need to get a 3DS when more money comes my way.

Lego Blaster Master

Posted on 03/24/2013 at 11:53 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I used to love going to the local Blockbuster when they had those kiosks to print the photos you had taken from the game, or something like that. I loved going to Blockbuster just for that any time I'd rent the game.

I can't believe I actually did it.

Posted on 03/24/2013 at 11:48 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I've been saying to myself, since I'm holding out on new games and systems and such until more money rolls in, that I won't get a WiiU because it's not as high-powered as 720 (or whatever?) or PS4 will be, but maybe since I missed out on this current generation entirely, it provides a bit of that experience as well as its interesting gimmick that you seem to be enjoying in Zombi U's case. But as you said, jury's still out, so still waiting, though I'm glad you're enjoying it!

I do really want a 3DS though, as I've always stuck with Nintendo handhelds.

Another Audio Blog: GLaD 24: Luigi's Mansion, Sabbath Sunday: Ozzy Ozbourne

Posted on 03/24/2013 at 10:08 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Well that's good, glad you enjoyed it! How'd you come to see him if you don't like metal? Was it a concert with a mix of bands, or just went with a friend who like Ozzy? Or he is just an exception in your case? You got me curious. lol

Another Audio Blog: GLaD 24: Luigi's Mansion, Sabbath Sunday: Ozzy Ozbourne

Posted on 03/24/2013 at 10:05 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I think the professor made me laugh the most in the original. lol

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