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Super Step's Comments - Page 1422

Birthday Blog: Air Checks, Guitar, GLaD 23: Tony Hawk, Ska, Punk, Saturday

Posted on 03/23/2013 at 03:25 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Oh wow, you've got lots of ska in your bloodline then. lol Thanks!

Games with cards is it a dying breed??

Posted on 03/23/2013 at 02:10 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Yeah, I think they mean the Pokemon card game, I'd actually argue at least collecting those cards was more popular than playing the RPG when I was little. I also collected and sometimes played with Yu Gi Oh cards, and have always heard about Magic, but never really got into the genre.

I do remember playing a card game/RPG hybrid on Gamecube once, but I can't remember its name. I think it involved summoning creatures from the cards.

Edit: Looks like a safe bet it was called Lost Kingdoms.

Cary's Top Five Favorite Video Game Ghosts

Posted on 03/23/2013 at 02:05 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Oh man, you reminded me I need to pick up Ghost Trick! Meant to do that quite some time ago, I'm hoping it's not rare enough to warrant extravagant prices on Amazon by now!

And I definitely remember the Ecto Coolers with Slimer, my older brother had some of the toys from that cartoon; I watched it, but not all that often. I've always known about Ghostbusters because I always heard and loved the theme song when I was little, but I didn't watch the movie all the way through until last year. Never seen the sequel.

Speaking of Pokemon, does Gengar count as a ghost Pokemon? If so, he might be my favorite.

Interesting idea for a blog, enjoyed reading!

No One Lives Forever

Posted on 03/23/2013 at 01:53 PM | Filed Under Blogs

That sounds like an awesome game! I immediately thought "female James Bond" or at least Charlie's Angels when I saw the artwork, and Austin Powers style humor sounds awesome as well; never saw that Avengers TV show, though. In fact, I'm not sure I know who Emma Peel is. Embarassed

Women really did have a shit time in the 60s; my professor in college always said how much she HATED working at TV stations, cause back then women just were not respected in that, and many other industries, but I guess radio treated her better.

Great songs too. I don't know why I always get such a kick out of seeing some of these musicians on stationary bikes. lol Never realized how physically active Deep Purple was I guess. Last metal guy I remember seeing on one of those was Bruce Dickenson, which makes sense, he played football after all, and I wouldn't be surprised if he needs his health up to fly that plane. 

The Distillers sound a bit like Hole. In fact, if she didn't look completely different than Courtney Love, and it wasn't recorded in 2004, I might wonder. lol Actually, now she sounds more like Kurt and Nirvana. Oh well, not bad influences to have.

Birthday Blog: Air Checks, Guitar, GLaD 23: Tony Hawk, Ska, Punk, Saturday

Posted on 03/23/2013 at 01:36 PM | Filed Under Blogs


The Quest to Play Through all the Final Fantasy games - First Installment: Introduction to a Gamer

Posted on 03/23/2013 at 01:34 PM | Filed Under Blogs

True; I have enjoyed playing Paper Mario, Golden Sun, Pokemon and at least watching a friend play Super Mario RPG back in the day to some extent for the more relaxed gameplay style. Unfortunately, I still suck at the combat and feel like I'm mostly just guessing, unless it's Pokemon, but I do enjoy just visiting people and towns in these games.

GLaD 22: Carmen San Diego + Just for Fun Friday

Posted on 03/23/2013 at 01:30 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm freelance, so any days I don't get a call I have off, unfortunately. I'm hoping this blank text message from work's cellphone I got yesterday doesn't mean anything... hmm...Thanks for the birthday wish though!

I suck at geography as well, actually Embarassed but I could show you where most of the U.S. states are located on a U.S. map and where all the continents reside at least. Howver, if you said to find a specific Middle Eastern country, or one with a not-obvious shape (obvious shape example: Italy's "boot") I might be kind of screwed. lol

I'm glad you liked Good Natured especially, I was really hoping people would hear that one. It's also cool to know someone else had those tubes! lol We didn't have them in music class, but we sure had fun with them at home. Lil Jon has made so much money just saying "yeah!" and "ok" but I like a lot of songs he's on anyway. lol

GLaD 22: Carmen San Diego + Just for Fun Friday

Posted on 03/23/2013 at 01:24 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I very rarely played the game either, and watched the cartoon more than anything (also a game show I'm now unsure was titled exactly what I thought it was...)

Thanks for the birthday wish and song!

GLaD 22: Carmen San Diego + Just for Fun Friday

Posted on 03/23/2013 at 01:21 PM | Filed Under Blogs

That's pretty much all I remember too, I just remember the actual look of the game show I watched being different. Maybe the version I watched was also called Where in TIME is Carmen Sandiego, like the cartoon, and that's why I'm not finding it?

GLaD 22: Carmen San Diego + Just for Fun Friday

Posted on 03/22/2013 at 11:30 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I forgot about that, I wonder if my brother still has his.

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