Posted on 03/12/2013 at 12:25 AM
| Filed Under Blogs
Was the Commencement Speech given by Roger Ebert? lol
I wonder what that superindendent did in his free time, or did he not believe in the concept? Unfortunately, in college, when I was still an Assistant Hall Director, I felt limited in who I could go out and have a good time with by the fish bowl nature of my job; mostly, I'd just grab a drink with a coworker after a particularly stressful week. Tell that guy I found out that networking I would have done if I'd not felt that limitation, turns out, is actually fairly relevant to getting a job in reality land. I don't think the 100+ places I applied to prior to my current freelance cared I was Magna Cum Laude and had managerial experience. ... I also should have learned to speak Spanish fluently, but that's besides the point. haha
The movies I was able to see and games I was able to play kept me sane when I couldn't get sleep cause a thousand 18 year olds decided to be a jackass all at once.
Cool of your brother to sing and play at graduation like that.