Is Devil Survivor good? I can't get it since it's not sold in Australia :'(
Is Devil Survivor good? I can't get it since it's not sold in Australia :'(
It's still not as creepy though. The first two games just had this unsettling atmosphere that 3 doesn't capture, and the difficulty added towards that. Diablo 3 is a fine game, but it's just not really much like Diablo.
As do I... but my heart lies with th PS4...
Also, fuck me, everyone is playing Persona Q!
I've never played a Monster Hunter game, but heard fans of Dark Souls will enjoy them. Thoughts?
Fair enough. I enjoyed Killzone 3, and sunk a lot of time into the multiplayer especially. I might give it a go when I get my PS4.
Never played either series. Any good?
I get like that once every 3 months... Sometimes it's Demon's Souls.
Also, I finished Halo Reach and loved the fuck out of the ending. And the space battle was great. And... well, it's just a damn well put together game. Paced really well. Which should I play next? I bought all of them (except halo 2 because it's not on xbox 360.) I have finished Halo already, but I might finish the anniversary version again.
That's fair enough. I've done that with far too many games already.
Are there many differences between the PS3 and PS4 version of The Last of Us.
What's that like? I don't own a Vita unfortunately :(
And yeah, Thief and Prototype 2 were a little bland for me too.