My brothers really like those Civilization games.
My brothers really like those Civilization games.
Yeah Area 51 was in a lot of places. I even saw it in grocery stores!
To be fair, I doubt too many people would notice that Operation Wolf arcade machine in the movie, much less care about its release date.
I thought it was kind of cool that this obscure thing was the boss in PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale. After I saw it I looked it up and I was like, "Oh yeah, I kind of remember that in ads...I think." I didn't think PlayStation All-Stars was actually THAT bad. I mean, it's no Smash Bros, but I still had fun with it.
Here's my Switch friend code. Although after the Mario furniture update, if they don't add any other signifcant things after that, I may not play the new Animal Crossing as much, if at all after the first year anniversary. In most Animal Crossing games, after you've played a year, you've seen it all. But we'll see.
There were some things in the Direct I liked, such as Mario Golf: Super Rush and Splatoon 3. I also don't think Skyward Sword was that bad. I didn't have problems with the motion controls myself, but I can't wait to try it with buttons to see if that works better. The only thing I didn't like about the Direct is that they didn't talk about anything planned for the end of the year so I'm wondering what they're going to have for the holidays.
I'll probably skip out on Miitopia since I had it on the 3DS. I never played Legend of Mana on PSOne so I might try it on the Switch. Also might try that Famicom Detective Club game depending if it has a physical copy and the pricing.
I didn't think the first Mortal Kombat movie was that bad.
Operation Wolf was HUGELY popular in arcades. Pretty much every arcade I went to back then had one, and there was even a version on the NES, which is pretty amazing since there weren't too many light gun games on the NES. Operation Thunderbolt wasn't as common in arcades, but I still saw it lots of places.
The next game in the series was just called Operation Wolf 3. I only saw it once in an arcade, and that was only a couple of years ago! The last game in the series was called Operation Tiger but I've never seen it.
Did you know that Operation Wolf made a cameo in a recent movie? I saw it in a mall arcade scene in Wonder Woman 84! When I saw it I was like, "Wait a minute, if this movie is set in 1984, what's an arcade game from 1987 doing here?" That's why the movie bombed (OK not really). Only other things I have to say about the WW84 movie is that it was way too slow for a two hour long movie, and Gal Gadot ate her spinach.
Ok I'm about to spout one of my unpopular opinions. I think Ristar is better than Sonic. There, I said it. I'm a SNES man and there aren't as many Genesis games that impressed me, but Ristar was one of them.
One time I dreamed I made a sequel to Ristar and it was two player compatible. The game was called Ristar and Comette and the second player was a female Ristar like character except she was shaped like a pink heart instead of a yellow star, and she had a long pink pony tail that would trail behind her like a comet. Sometimes I surprise myself what my brain comes up with when I'm asleep.
I hate it that I missed out on this game. There are just too many games out there sometimes, and you can't play 'em all!
There were some things in the Direct I liked, such as Mario Golf: Super Rush and Splatoon 3. I also don't think Skyward Sword was that bad. I didn't have problems with the motion controls myself, but I can't wait to try it with buttons to see if that works better. The only thing I didn't like about the Direct is that they didn't talk about anything planned for the end of the year so I'm wondering what they're going to have for the holidays.
Oh, and Legend of Mana was actually a PSOne game, not on the SNES. I never played it on the PSOne, so I may try it here. Also might try that Famicom Detective Club game depending if it has a physical copy and the pricing.